University of Guam’s Triton Esports program hosts free blitz chess tournament
MANGILAO, GUAM – The University of Guam’s Triton Esports program is excited to announce a free blitz chess tournament on Friday, May 5th from 3 PM to 6 PM. The tournament will be held at the Annex Building B (classroom WB-1), and interested parties are encouraged to register online at https://bit.ly/uogblitzchess.
Registration will be capped at 30 participants, so interested players are encouraged to register early to secure their spot. The tournament format will be 7 round Swiss with a 5 minute +2 second interval per move time control. The event is open to all members of the community, and no previous chess experience is required. Participants are welcome to bring their own chess sets, but sets and clocks will also be provided.
“We’re thrilled to offer this free tournament as a way to bring together the university community and promote the game of chess,” said UOG Triton Esports Program Manager, Ken San Nicolas. “Esports is about more than just video games, and we want to showcase that by hosting a tournament for a classic game like chess. This semester, our Esports chess team placed 4th in their division, and we urge more university students interested in the game to join our roster for the next semester.”
The tournament is just one of many events that the UOG Triton Esports program has planned for the year. “We’re excited to continue growing our program and providing opportunities for students and community members to connect through esports. Within the next 7 months, members of the university and community at large will be able to participate in a number of activities including summer camps, interscholastic and intramural competitions and international expos all organized and implemented by UOG Triton Esports athletes and staff” added San Nicolas.
For more information on the UOG Triton Esports program, visit their website at esports.uog.edu
Contact: Ken San Nicolas, Esports Manager, UOG Triton Esports Program
(671) 688-5565
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